TOGGLE.VBX - Toggle Switch Control The Toggle Switch Control is a TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, or ON/OFF indicator. The control displays captions or pictures to represent the toggle state depending on the control's value. The control is capable of playing wave files to indicate the switch turning on or off. It includes bevels for a 3D appearance and blinking capability to draw attention to the control. It also has a built in timed shut-off capability. This ZIP file contains: FILE_ID.DIZ Description INSTRUM.HLP Toggle Switch Custom Control Documentation SHAREWAR.TXT Description of Shareware TEST.FRM VB test program source TEST.FRX VB test program binary data TEST.MAK VB test program make file TOGGLE.VBX Toggle Switch Custom Control TOGTEST.EXE Sample program using control LICENSING / DISTRIBUTION You may distribute the registered VBX with your applications royalty-free. You may not distribute the registered VBX without your application (except as an update for an already installed program). REGISTRATION Refer to INSTRUM.HLP for registration information. SUPPORT Requests for product support, comments or questions should be sent to one of the following locations: Global Majic Software, Inc. P.O. Box 322 Madison, Alabama 35758 CompuServe: 73261,3642 Internet: